‘31 Coaching Questions That Work With Every Client’ FREE Checklist


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Essential for coaches (not just women)
Great content, very valuable!

It’s Not Just Money, It’s Empowerment
I stumbled upon Kendall through social media when I requested a freebie that she was offering. That happy accident led me to this podcast. I’ve been a coach for over a year and sometimes suffer with imposter syndrome. Kendall is helping me work through that with her words of encouragement. I also love the fact that she shares the same name with my son 💜 Dr. Mel-Empowered Educator Podcast

This! So this!!!
Kendall’s a master in doling out to the point, simple to follow and incredibly empowering tips on how to grow yourself into a woman comfortable in her own skin and strength. She’s the voice to all those gaps we’ve longed to have taught to us sooner about self-concept, elevating ourselves to our highest potentials and ditching self-limiting doubts and belief systems. Love her and love the new, empowered, wealthy me I’m growing into! Listen with a pen and paper handy because her tips are spot on!

Podcast #26
Love this podcast as it’s packed with so much valuable information…and after this last episode hearing Kendall speak with such honesty

Great content from a true master!
So happy I found this podcast! Kendall SummerHawk is truly a genius money master and I am so excited for the opportunity to learn from her.

The Queen Bee of Feminine Money Coaching
Kendall is absolutely amazing! I’m so thankful to have gone through two of her money coaching certification programs MBBC & SMA! Every money mindset coach, who’s at the top of their game has definitely been coached/certified (or worked with a coach who’s been coached/certified) by Kendall (at that’s what it feels like). She sets you up for success in her programs for you to begin making breakthroughs in your business from the very start! If you apply what she teaches, your life will change for the positive in all areas! So Much love, Jade Elysan

New fan
I’ve recently found Kendall’s program through some of her amazing coaches and I’m already learning so much. Her wisdom and heart for teaching is evident in every episode. I’m definitely a new fan of Kendall and her podcast!

Kendall is the Real Deal
I’ve been in training with Kendall through her incredible programs and/or via free weekly calls since 2015. She is consistently available, extraordinarily giving with her time and freely sharing of her experience. She is a real leader when it comes to money and life. She authentically wants to empower women and she’s doing it! All we need to do is listen and courageously apply her suggestions. Answer the breakthrough questions she gives out and you will transform.

Amazing Gift!
Kendall is amazing and has empowered women to overcome money barriers. The past is the past, this is a new season for women. This is the place to be if you are ready to move forward in your life!

Empowering women
Kendall has been a beacon of hope for women in the world to empower their lives with money. Breaking barriers daily to be no paid what they are worth! Kendall’s podcast is a huge contribution to women ! Women with money will change our world! Congratulations Kendall for your contributions to women and money! Debra McElhaney

Spot on money coaching
I love how Kendall knows how to get right to the heart of our money relationship. If our feelings aren’t in sync there is no easy flow. Keep it coming.

Best. Money. Coach. Ever.
I’m so excited about this podcast! Working with Kendall Summerhawk on my relationship to money completely changed my finances and my life. She helped me transform from someone who had never made 6 figures ever to someone who has made multi-millions of dollars. It’s sounds like hyperbole but its absolutely true. Investing my time to learn from Kendall was hands down one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’ll be devouring every second of this podcast!

The ORIGINAL Money coach
With so many copycats teaching about money, Kendall is the original and the inspiration for so many women leaders in the coaching world. She’s practical, inspiring, kind, accessible and leads with love. I have had the best experiences learning from her and she is mentor you want to follow if your at all serious about changing your own relationship with money and inspiring more women to step into their financial power. Money Feminist is a spot on term that creates opportunities for more choice, more success and more impact in our world. Thank you Kendall. I’ve already added this to my play list. Chris Williams 💜

Empowering Wisdom
Kendall has so much wisdom about how to shift your money mindset and increase greater abundance in your life. Her teachings have made a huge difference in my life and you’ll find great value here.

Incredibly Incredible
There are so many money podcasts out there, but this one is different! The Money Coach School podcast offers tangible tips that you can put into practice after EACH episode. The first three episodes have already taught me on how to think of money differently and how I coach my clients about money. If you’re not listening to this podcast, you are missing out! It’s really incredibly incredible. Follow today!

Love Kendall’s Money Feminist perspective!
Absolutely loving this podcast! So much to love about Kendall’s work as a leader coaching women on money. Every episode has powerful, grounded tips and strategies to help listeners embody a healthy relationship with money, as well as becoming amazing money coaches themselves. If you want to feel inspired, motivated, safe and supported around the topic of money for you and your clients, spend time here in this podcast and in Kendall’s world.

A soothing balm for money coach drama
Kendall’s wisdom and belief is felt through the podcast airwaves and helps address mind drama that comes up from being a money coach. Looking forward to more episodes! This is the support I love having in my ear 💛.

Kendall SummerHawk is the best money coach!
I love Kendall SummerHawk! She is an incredible coach and I am loving her podcast. I have been following Kendall for over 8 years and I am always in awe of the golden nuggets she shares about money, coaching and living an authentic life with grace and ease! I highly recommend Kendall SummerHawk and her Money Coach School podcast.

Being an Empowered Money Coach
In Dropping Comparison So You Can Be The Best Money Coach Possible, Kendall brilliantly outlines why you don’t have to be perfect with money to be a powerful and successful money Coach for women entrepreneurs. She explains what you need to tap into instead to feel confident, get client results and make money in coaching. This is very valuable insight and actionable content based on Kendall’s decades of experience and expertise in money coaching that you don’t want to miss!

Kendall is an Inspiration
This podcast is fabulously uplifting and frees me to re-see the possibilities for me as a coach so that I can be as powerful as I can be at empowering women entrepreneurs, and have a beautiful, rippling impact on the world. I am grateful for this podcast as yet another amazing way Kendall positively impacts fellow women. As one of Kendall’s clients, I know that she has an incredible wealth of information that she generously offers to those who show up for themselves. I love how committed Kendall is to the success of her clients and I love this new podcast. Yay Kendall!

Simple Yet Profound
Kendall has a gift for breaking down money concepts and principles into simple, easy steps. This comes out in her coaching and teaching and in her podcast. If you’re someone who struggles with money, Kendall is your money mentor. Love the simple yet powerful tip she shares in Episode 1 to create abog shift in your money consciousness.

Kendall's Mentorship: A Personal Connection
The Money Coach School Podcast, newly launched and already leaving a profound impact. Hosted by Kendall, it's more than just a podcast; it's a deeply personal mentorship experience. Kendall's passion, commitment, and care for her listeners are unparalleled. Her words resonate like a trusted friend's advice. She goes beyond traditional financial guidance, teaching women how to transform their self-concept about money. Her authenticity is a breath of fresh air, and her enthusiasm is infectious. Listening to her feels like receiving personal guidance from a mentor who genuinely wants to see you succeed. Kendall is one of the best mentors I've ever encountered. Her podcast is a heartfelt, authentic source of inspiration and empowerment for women entrepreneurs. In short, The Money Coach School Podcast is a personal connection with a mentor who truly cares about your journey. Thank you, Kendall, for your exceptional work and unwavering dedication. Your podcast is a beacon of light on my entrepreneurial path.

Insightful goodies
I love it when I change my perspective through simple questions which is something Kendall brings plenty of in the first three episodes alone. Her wisdom, having created the wealth many of us seek, is gold worth. I love the money exercise, the bankable beliefs and more. I encourage you to listen to the episodes to gain the insights you need, you’ll be happy you did. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

It's about time
We all have been waiting for you to release a podcast! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are one of the best money coaches in the industry. Fabulous podcast!

Finally! The Podcast I've Been Wanting
A few years ago I went through Kendall's certifications (SMA

Dropping the comparison: genius!
Loved this episode. As I work with my entrepreneurial clients, comparison is often an issue they grapple with. I so appreciated Kendall’s perspective … thinking right about you as expert is critical to success. 🔥

Down to earth and genuinely helpful
I only just discovered Kendall but her teachings have been so helpful for me. I appreciate that she values integrity and kindness. She’s also very direct and strong in her position, but without being too prescriptive. She leaves room for you to be who you are, whoever that is. Really glad she’s started this new podcast. Makes it easier to tune in and get a regular dose of financial empowerment. Thanks Kendall!

Leading from the front!
Kendall is an amazing coach. She has proven methods that produce real results. What I love most about her is that she shows you the way to your fullest potential by being exactly who you are. Kendall reminds you that you that you are enough and are capable of being, doing, and having what your heart desires. Being in her MBB Program has given me the clarity, support, and done for me materials that I can make my own and weave into anything that I create. This gives me time freedom to focus on what I’m best at. Thank you for all of your years of experience and guidance, Kendall. You are an answer to my prayer in building a business that is an authentic expression of who I am and a catalyst to helping me bring my gifts to the world. ~~Sonia H.

Great, informative show!
Always a leader of excellence…it’s fabulous to see how you continually walk your talk, elevate yourself, your business and all of us.

Worthy Listen!
Kendall is doing exciting and important work. Helping empower women to actualize emotional freedom around money and finances. Her voice is terrific too—perfect for an inspiring listening experience!