Ep #78: 6 Ways to Nurture Your Capacity to Make a Million Dollars


How can you increase your capacity for going after big money goals in your coaching business? I have six powerful ways you can begin nurturing your capacity right now, giving you more time & energy, and showing you what you’re really capable of.

Remember, you and your coaching business are destined for more, without overwhelm, and this is the episode to support you in owning that for yourself.

Tune in this week where I guide you through my process for expanding your capacity, reframing your beliefs, and becoming the badass million-dollar coach you're capable of being. In the process, you’ll discover how to own your potential and take bold steps towards your million-dollar goal.

Enrollment is open now in Secret Energy of Money®, my signature money mentoring where we unlock your income, profit & prosperity, while calming your ‘money nervous system’. The result is you stepping into the dramatically more profitable version of your business. Click here to enroll!

What You'll Discover:

  • The most common thought stopping you from going after your biggest money goals.
  • Why, if you have the desire for more, you also have the capability of making it a reality.
  • How to stay with your money goal through every challenge you’ll inevitably face.
  • 6 ways you can start using today, to increase your capacity for making money in your coaching business.
  • Why now is not the time to ignore the deep thrill and soul satisfaction that comes from going after a hard goal.

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Hey coach, have you felt that desire for a big money goal in your business, but along with that desire, are maybe thinking you don't have the capacity to take it on? Well, what if those thoughts were the only thing holding you back from reaching your fullest income potential? I'm Kendall. In this episode, I share with you six ways you can begin nurturing your capacity right now, giving you more time and energy, and showing you what you're really made of, because you are made for more without the overwhelm. And this is the episode to support you in owning that for yourself. It's all here for you in this episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. Let’s dive in.

Welcome to The Money Coach School Podcast. To really excel at coaching women, you have to be skilled, confident, and even fearless at money coaching. If you're passionate about women holding genuine money power and love supporting women entrepreneurs, then this is the show for you. Now, here's your host, money feminist Kendall SummerHawk.

Hello, beautiful coaches. I did not originally plan on creating a series, but it's kind of turning into that. Now, if you missed last week's episode on why $1 million absolutely should be your goal, definitely check it out. It's episode number 77, and I will link to it in the show notes.

Listen, let's be honest here. Right now, as of the time of this recording, there are a lot of conflicting thoughts and a lot of very high emotions around people being wealthy because we are witnessing in real time, the richest men on the planet, putting their fortune and their energy into destroying the United States and ripping to shreds the US government.

Now, I'm not going to get political here or try to understand their behavior because it's incomprehensible to me. I will just say that if you happen to think that what is happening is acceptable, then I would say we're not a fit to stay in relationship here through this podcast or through any of my trainings. If you think what is happening is acceptable, then it's best to stop listening and switch over to those bro podcasts, because what I'm doing here in my podcast in my world is activating a very different conversation. So if you're still listening, thank you. I appreciate your moral compass and let's get to it.

So the conflicting thoughts and emotions we're witnessing is stirring up long-held beliefs about people with money and the kind of person we don't want to be with money. So first, I want to assure you that is not who you are or who you will ever be with money. You can never be that kind of person when you have money because you're not that kind of person right now.

I have very strong thoughts and beliefs about why you want to make a million dollars, which I covered in episode 77. So today, I wanna open up the conversation about what is typically the very next thought my clients have after deciding to make a million dollars. It can also be the most common thought that keeps someone from making that decision initially and that thought is, “But Kendall, how can I really make that kind of money?”

Now, this may initially sound like a practical how-to kind of question, but it's actually not. It's actually all about capacity, or more specifically, your belief in your ability to make that amount of money. Your belief that you have the energetic capacity to make that amount of money. Because anytime you have a big goal, your brain immediately starts telling you reasons why you can't. And those reasons can sound very practical so that you then believe them. But that's just your brain being super clever.

So for example, I hear reasons like, I don't have time, I'm already really busy, I'm hustling to get a few clients now, there's no way I can add more. I'm working full-time while I get my coaching business going. I have animals. I have kids. I don't have the energy. It all boils down to believing that there is no capacity to do this. But there is capacity and you have that capacity.

When it comes to a big money goal, like making 1 million, our brain loves to double down and tell you that you're not enough, not smart enough or not ready or don't have the skill, you don't know enough about whatever it takes to make that million and none of that is true.

So today I want to give you six ways that they're really like understandings or insights that support you and acknowledging that you do have capacity and support you in tapping into that. So let's dive in.

The first one, understanding number one, capacity is a belief, a knowing that you can do something you've never done before. If you're stopping yourself from deciding on making a million dollars your goal because you haven't done it before, that thinking needs to stop. Just because you haven't done it before does not mean you can't pursue this goal now. There are so many things in your life that you do now without thinking that probably looked impossible when you were younger.

Obvious examples are driving a car or cooking a complex meal or whatever it is. The switch here from thinking I can't because I haven't done it before to yes, I have the capacity to do this even though I haven't done it before is focusing on the joy of learning that is going to take place. Focusing on the excitement of going for something big and new. 

Are you gonna feel scared? Well, yes, that's normal. It's part of the journey. But feeling scared has nothing to do with your capacity. Feeling scared is just a part of the process of living into your potential. 

I looked at the literal meaning of the word capacity and one meaning is fullness or maximum. So My question for you is, is the highest amount of money you've ever made in one year, think about that, think about that dollar amount, is that the maximum you believe that you're capable of making forever into the future? The answer is, of course, no, because you know if you have the desire for more, then you also have the capability and the capacity for more. 

So to flip that question around, it becomes, do I believe I can make more money in one year than I've ever made before? And the answer is an obvious yes. And I recognize that in the beginning, if you're new in your coaching business, that can seem daunting. I get that. That's how I felt the first year or two in my coaching business as well. 

My only goal was to exceed my previous job income, which was about $55,000 a year. And I did that and then went on to make $100,000 and then went on to make $564,000 and then went on to make a million and two million and three million, you know, over and over and over again for years, adding up to nearly $30 million. 

So here's the central belief to understand, your capacity is greater going forward than it's ever been in the past. Your capacity is greater going forward than it's ever been in the past. 

Understanding number two, capacity is not all or nothing. So one thing I've discovered to be true about capacity is that I don't have to believe that I have it all of the time, that's not a requirement.

I only have to believe it fully like really fully and richly in a whole embodied way just for a few seconds right now today and then maybe a few more times tomorrow. And I keep building on that feeling of having the capacity no matter what to achieve my goal. Those moments, those flashes of absolute faith are enough because when you create that feeling, it starts to become familiar to you. And that means you can start recreating it for yourself over and over again throughout the day, every day.

Understanding number three, there's always a way to allow for more. So for example, let's say your brain is telling you that a $1 million goal is not possible because you don't have time. Now that might be true today, but today is not the day you're making the $1 million. Today is the day you're tipping that first domino towards making that $1 million. And again, I don't care where you're starting from. I don't care if you've not even had a paying client yet, or if you've been hovering at a certain dollar amount per month, it doesn't really matter.

So this comes down to letting go and making space. It comes down to asking for help and setting new boundaries. When I decided to be a million-dollar coach, I immediately hired someone to clean my house, to run errands, and to grocery shop. Remember, I've said this before, I did not make that decision when I was already making multi six figures. That was not my situation. I made the decision to be a million-dollar coach when I was far, far, far from that to start with.

So in hiring somebody to clean the house, do the errands, do the grocery shopping, the amount of hours that freed up each week might have been like maybe four hours a week, but the energetic freedom, it felt like 20 hours. My mind wasn't busy thinking about the grocery list. It was focused on the coaching containers I wanted to create. Instead of cleaning, I was creating.

And often the boundary I needed to put in place wasn't so much with other people, but with myself. Not letting myself do something, not forcing myself to do something, because I thought it would be faster or because I felt guilty if I didn't do it. Now, I'm not saying you have to trade your life for working. What I am saying is you have to be willing to live into being a million-dollar coach.

And a million-dollar coach is not running to the pharmacy or to the dry cleaners or to the store. Those tasks are not beneath me, but they're not in service of my capacity to be a million-dollar coach. They're not in service of my creativity and they rank far lower than my ambition to serve, create and lead. 

So the first step to increasing your capacity is to delegate and to get crystal clear about your boundaries and crystal clear about priorities. It's about a massive let go in order to grow. And this also means letting go of trying to be an expert in everything. It's like, I really suck at social media and I'm really not very good at scheduling. So I don't do those things. 

This isn't just about time, it's about stress and energy and overwhelm. When you get clear on just the two or three things your business needs for you to be masterful at, then that's all that you focus on, period. And typically that is the skill of coaching, enrolling new clients and speaking about your business. That's it. The rest either is delegated or just is not part of your world right now. 

When you focus on just two or three things, you give yourself permission to get really, really good at them. So you move from any one of those things feeling difficult or intensive or feeling overwhelming in any way to feeling at ease and joyful, which is energetically freeing. And that's gaining a double win of showing your brain proof of your new capacity. 

Understanding number four, design your day in alignment with the million-dollar goal, not with the priorities up to now. If you look at your current calendar with all of its priorities and commitments and obligations, your capacity for anything new or challenging is going to feel limited at best and most likely is going to feel impossible. But the point isn't to say, gee, how do I add more to what I already have going on, which is a heart sink question. That's what I call it, a heart sink question because it makes your heart sink. The point is to ask, what's coming off to make room for my new exciting million-dollar goal? And I know that may sound hokey, but it's really that simple.

You have to trust that you can make new decisions, decisions that may feel scary or disrupt the status quo, but that's how you grow as a woman in business, as well as how you grow your capacity. So for example, before I started this podcast, I kept putting it off for years. I mean, I put it off for like four years, and I'm so sorry I did that. But I put it off because I was already really committed to being on camera every week. I just did not see how I could produce more content given my own personal creative process until I finally was fed up with not having the podcast.

I wanted to give voice to my thought leadership and to reach more people than what Facebook Lives could do. So I had an honest conversation with myself and I released myself from doing lives every week in favor of the podcast. Now that's not the decision that my coach at the time wanted me to make. She wanted me to do both, or at least to live video my podcast and make that my video show. But for reasons personal to me, that's not what I wanted to do. So I let go of the lives, I replaced that time with the podcast, and I've never looked back.

Not everything will be an even exchange like that, but when you let go or redesign how you currently do things in favor of increasing your capacity to achieve your million-dollar goal, your calendar is going to look different. It has to, because your million-dollar goal is requiring you to increase your capacity, not to just keep piling things on.

We often have women come into Secret Energy of Money with me or come into certification who are working part-time or full-time jobs. That's not uncommon. And if that's you then you have to be ruthless about your calendar and start cutting everything that is not in service of your million-dollar goal.

Am I saying you can achieve $1 million working only a few hours a week in your business? No, probably not. But you can create enough momentum in your business to leave that job and then build your business even more from there. If you think, behave and treat yourself like a million-dollar coach from today on forward, decisions about what goes into your calendar and what you fill your life with will become clear and straightforward. They'll become easy to navigate.

All right, understanding number five, stay with your goal long enough to break through the inevitable challenges.

Having a million-dollar goal, it is not for weenies. You cannot be wimpy here. It requires that you expand your capacity, not to do more necessarily, but to do different. Not to get overwhelmed, but to embrace being in a near constant state of new. And new is not always easy.

It's challenging because new means you're not yet masterful. It's stretching your mind. It's being a student. It's transformative and no one said transformation is easy. But new is also exciting. It's energizing. It's expanding and growing. It's gaining skills you didn't have before that will now serve you a lifetime. It's challenging you to reframe old beliefs and habits that don't line up with your new million-dollar self.

If you find yourself overwhelmed at any point, it's not a sign of you lacking ability or capacity. It's usually a sign of needing to let go more, to elevate how you see yourself. And it's often a sign of not fully acknowledging on a day-to-day basis all the ways in which you're growing and how much you are achieving as part of your million-dollar process.

So when the going feels tough and you want to quit, go ahead, quit for a day, just a day, give it up. Because one day of giving it up is all that's needed to reignite you for you becoming this incredible new version of yourself. Remember, the million-dollar goal is not so much about the money, but about who you become in the process. And that you are not going to quit on.

When you think you can't do this, you tell yourself, yes, I hear you, but I can do this. Not in a driving way, but in a "I'm not letting you back down on who you're becoming" way. All right, you have to be your own best champion.

Understanding number six, last one, prioritize sleep, exercise, water, fresh air, love and gratitude. Your capacity is increased when you fill your cup and when you keep it filled. This is such a huge part of the million-dollar goal changing you.

I am a huge believer in sleep and getting good quality sleep is something I've had to work a lot on because between my brain and hormones, this is something I've worked on religiously for the last several years to be able to create really good quality sleep.

I don't skimp on sleep to reach my goal, I get sleep to reach my goal. And by the way, that includes taking naps. There's usually once or twice a week. I take a midday nap for like an hour, hour and a half. I don't skip on exercise to reach my goal. I get exercise to reach my goal. So in this way, I'm using my goal as a catalyst for pretty incredible self-care because that's how a million dollar coach treats herself.

I know for some of you, this episode can be challenging. Maybe you feel resistant or you're not seeing yet how you can expand your capacity. And that's okay, because I know that you can. You are capable of so much more than you've ever achieved. You're capable of so much more than you've ever achieved. You're capable of so much more than you think you're capable of. You're capable of so much more and I want you to go for it.

I'm not gonna let you back down on who you can become because it is not only an amazing journey, but the destination is worth it. You want this to be your goal because your journey is an inspiration for others. Your journey is an inspiration for yourself. You are going to blow your own mind with what you discover that you're capable of. Your journey is going to transform you into a whole new level of your brilliance.

That million-dollar goal, it's already within you. Now we just need to coach you through discovering her by being her as much as you possibly can today, tomorrow, next week, and next month and beyond. And let's be honest here. In my experience, there's a deep thrill in doing something that is hard. It's okay to work hard. In going after a goal that is outside of the norm. There's an aliveness to being a new version of you and there's a very deep soul satisfaction in saying to that part of yourself that wants you to play small, oh yeah, no, I don't think so, just watch me. You just watch me.

All right, and since we're talking about capacity, if you want to expand your capacity to earn more, save more and have more money, then my Secret Energy of Money Mastermind may be what you've been seeking. This mastermind with me is an exceptional integration of practical money tools plus the inner money work. They go together hand in glove, or as I like to say, like strawberries and chocolate. Secret Energy of Money includes very specific coaching and exercises with me that result in you making more money, result in you creating a new dynamic with money, and result in you knowing how to handle your money with money systems like a total badass because that's who you deserve to be with money.

So if you're clear that you wanna start making, keeping, and saving more money, then definitely go to SecretEnergyOfMoney.com and check it out. We are enrolling right now.

All right. Remember, money coaching changes lives, starting with yours. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your loyalty. Drop me a five-star review. I would so appreciate you for that and appreciate receiving that review.

All right, my beautiful soul, I will see you in our next episode.

Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure you follow so you never miss an episode. Also, I would so love and appreciate if you would leave a 5-star review. Your review supports women just like you in discovering all of the juicy tips and insights I’m sharing here on how to coach women on money.

And if you want to learn how to excel at coaching women on money, definitely go to KendallSummerHawk.com and check out the wealth of money coach trainings that we have for you. Thanks so much for being part of this money coaching movement and for tuning into the show every week.