Every comfort level has a specific dollar amount attached to it. When you rapidly exceed that level, like getting a cash windfall in your business, emotions are bound to come up… especially if you categorize that sudden cash boost to just being a fluke. So, what can you do to approach a cash windfall – even a small one - like wealth is your new normal?
In this episode, I share key insights and strategies to help you process the emotions that can come up when experiencing a cash windfall. The goal is to normalize a sudden influx of cash so that you can grow forward, instead of sliding backward.
In part one, you’ll learn how to overcome the part of your brain that wants to discount your money successes. I cover the key money mindset block that sidelines you when you have a money win, and you’ll discover the most powerful strategy for handling a cash windfall like the empowered premium-earning coach you are becoming.
Join me in OVERFLOW! The FREE Virtual Workshop where we unlock your income, profit & prosperity, while calming your ‘money nervous system’.
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Hey coach, have you ever had a money win, a cash windfall, and then immediately started thinking, maybe it was a fluke, or that you just got lucky, or you ask yourself, well, can I ever have that happen again? I get it. I'm Kendall. One thing I've learned is that every comfort level has a dollar amount attached to it. And when you rapidly exceed that level, like when you have a cash windfall, no matter what that windfall amount is, emotions are going to come up. And that's okay, because you are going to be prepared starting right now with the insights and strategy I'm sharing in this episode. It’s all here for you in this episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. Let’s dive in.
Welcome to The Money Coach School Podcast. To really excel at coaching women, you have to be skilled, confident, and even fearless at money coaching. If you're passionate about women holding genuine money power and love supporting women entrepreneurs, then this is the show for you. Now, here's your host, money feminist Kendall SummerHawk.
Hello, beautiful coaches. Understanding the most prevalent money success blocks that can come up for you gives you such an advantage that it's a step not to be skipped or avoided, especially for us women, because when we have any type of success, we're often so quick to discount it in some way or to think we can't repeat it or to think it's a fluke or that we just got lucky. And that's what I want to empower you with in today's episode.
Think of this episode as giving you an empowerment tool that you can use on a daily basis to overcome that part of your brain that wants to discount a money success that you've achieved, even if that achievement is small or new or simply a small milestone towards your bigger money and financial goals.
In this episode, I'm going to cover the key money mindset block that has the potential to sideline you when you have a money win. Now, I originally planned on this being three money success blocks plus five practical tips, but the episode got too long. So I'm doing this as part one, and our next episode next week will be part two.
So here in part one, you're hearing the key money success block you want to be aware of and how to handle it like a pro. In our next episode, I'll cover two more, plus share all those juicy money handling tips with you. And if you're listening to this in real time, then be sure to get yourself registered for my free virtual workshop, Overflow. Overflow is where we unlock your income, profit, and prosperity while calming your money nervous system.
And you can go to KendallSummerHawk.com/overflow to get yourself registered. And I'll also link to it in the show notes.
As a top money coach and as the leader of the premier online certified coach training space for women's centered training, I connect with so many women who may be newer as a coach but have past experience being successful in other areas. Maybe that's having a successful career or having a successful business that they've sold or turned over to someone else to run or a successful practice in the area of therapy or consulting or marketing, whatever it is. There's achievement in their past timeline. But all of that seems to get forgotten or discounted as these women start, grow, and scale their coaching or consulting business, which makes today's episode even more timely for you.
So first, let's start with a clear understanding that becoming a premium earning coach follows a very simple cycle of growth. And that cycle is, number one, make more money. Number two, normalize making more money so you get comfortable with this as your new normal. And number three, step into making that next level of money and repeat normalizing it.
So really it's steps one and two over and over and over again. That's it, make money, normalize it, make money, normalize it. Because here's the big mindset to understand. Every comfort level has a dollar amount attached to it. When you make more money, you're exceeding your old comfort level's dollar amount. So naturally you may feel uncomfortable. And that's where the normalizing comes in as such a vital step. You're growing in your sense of self-concept, which is critical.
Now, I just did an episode on self-concept, episode number 74, Developing Your Million-Dollar Self-Concept. So definitely check that out and I will also put a link to it in the show notes. You're becoming a woman who is comfortable earning, keeping and having more money.
Now, the second understanding I want to be sure you have is that if you're serious about being a high earner, then it's time to boss up. Because along with a fresh influx of income comes new status and emotional undercurrents that can trigger unwanted behavior if you're not prepared and if you're not ready to normalize that new money coming to you.
I always say that making more money is a profound experience in personal development and your ability to handle it like a boss will directly impact your success. Okay, so the most prevalent money success block that can come up for you when you've had a cash windfall. Let's dive into that.
So let's say you signed on two new pay-in-full clients, or a client on a payment plan wants to pay off their balance in full. That's something that happens to us frequently because we give a saving for that. Or you launch a small group program with five people in it and more than one is a pay-in-full. Or your VIP day client now wants to upgrade into your six month coaching container. Whatever it is, you're experience a cash windfall. Awesome.
When I was heavily into the live workshop model, my cash windfalls were very high, six figures each time, sometimes even seven figures, and that happened multiple times per year. Now it's our launches where we're enrolling multiple clients at once into either Secret Energy of Money, which is my sought after money mentorship with me, or into a launch and rolling into certification training.
So a cash windfall is simply any time you have a sudden influx of cash, enough that creates emotion for you. Emotions that can range from excitement or wonderment or astonishment. I know that's how it's always been for me. I'm like, astonished. It's like, it's amazing to me, right? And followed quickly by appreciation and gratitude. And so that's part of the range, but on the other end of that spectrum, it can include feelings of overwhelm or even anxiety or guilt or even shame. Yes, it does happen.
A cash windfall can spark a wide and wild range of emotions. Remember, every comfort level has a dollar amount attached to it. And when you rapidly exceed that level, the emotions are going to come up and that's okay because you're going to be prepared starting right now.
So money success block number one, the biggie, is thinking it's a fluke or that you got lucky or that it won't happen again. Now sure, creating a cash windfall may be a new experience for you as a coach, but that does not make it a fluke. You worked for it, you prepared, you trained for this, you studied, you were brave, you took action.
You didn't just get lucky, you did the work. There's a great quote I saw that is this, the amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act. And you acted. What's happening in your belief system though is disbelief that the amount of the cash windfall is in alignment with the work you put into creating it. So put another way, you're probably thinking the amount of money you just made far exceeds the effort you put into creating it. And you could not be more wrong.
That cash windfall is simply an outward manifestation of all the work you've been doing. The training, studying, preparing, practicing, risk-taking, bravery, and action, it all adds up. And I can guarantee you that the sum of all of that far exceeds the dollar amount of that cash windfall. You're not taking more than you are putting out. The energetic equation is still and will always be tipped in your favor because you are a giver. There truly is no such thing as an overnight success.
So for example, we have a certification client who did right around $125,000 in three days launching her group program. Now that happened because she had invested in herself to get the coach training with us. Plus, she had spent energy and time cultivating an audience. Now it wasn't an audience that was used to paying her very much at all, but because she had that relationship with them, when she launched her premium offer, because she skyrocketed from super, super low ticket next to nothing into premium through our coaching together, when she launched that, the right people raised their hand. And it didn't take very many of those right people to equate to $125,000 in three days. And I can tell you that the mindset work, the perspective shifting she did ahead of time with me as her money coach was intense, but she did it. The energetic equation became tipped in her favor.
Another example is a client recently inside of Secret Energy of Money mentoring with me, who's worked so hard on her relationship with money, her beliefs about money, her beliefs about being generous along with having great boundaries. Now, before Secret Energy of Money, she was experiencing clients signing up and then backing out over and over again. The energetic equation was not fully there yet in her favor. So we worked a lot on resentment. We simplified her offer. We answered and eliminated every objection she had within herself.
We created an energetic equation that became tipped in her favor. And as a result, she just signed on two VIP clients within one week. So your cash windfall is not a fluke. Your good fortune may seem like luck, but like that quote says, the amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act and you were willing to act. And yes, if you did it once, you can do it again. Every money success is repeatable. Let me say that again and you can write that down. Every money success is repeatable.
Now, I want to finish up this episode with the number one most powerful money handling strategy you can use when you have a cash windfall. And that is simply this, let the money sit in your bank account for at least one week, seven full days, no less, while you process your achievement. Do not spend it, just look at it and ask yourself this question, what does it feel like to have that money there?
And I promise you that if you look at that money in your bank account every single day for seven days straight and ask yourself that question, what does it feel like to have that money there? You're going to evolve and transform those emotions that come up. In other words, your answer on day one is going to be radically different than your answer on day seven. Allow yourself to feel different feelings as each day goes by.
The second question I want you to ask yourself is, what does having that money say about you that's positive, worthy, and really helping you own your gifts and your power. Write down all of your thoughts, thoughts like I'm connected deeply to the people I serve, or a thought like all the challenges before added up to preparing me for this moment. One of my favorite thoughts is I love bringing people together and connecting them to what's possible. That's what that money represents for me.
All right, so to wrap up, you make money, you normalize it. You make more money, you normalize that. You appreciate that every comfort level has a dollar amount attached to it, and you keep adjusting to that as you stay on your path of making money. You boss up and you do the emotional work that is required because that's what it takes to be a high earner.
If you wanna do the money work that frees you to earn more, save more, and have more money, then my Secret Energy of Money Mastermind may be exactly what you've been seeking. This mastermind with me is an exceptional integration of practical money tools plus the inner money work. They go together hand in glove.
Secret Energy of Money includes very specific coaching and exercises with me that result in you making more money, in you creating a new dynamic with money, and in you knowing how to handle your money like the badass businesswoman that I know you are.
So if you're clear that you want to start making, keeping, saving more money, then go to SecretEnergyOfMoney.com and check it out.
Remember, money coaching changes lives, starting with yours. Thank you so much for listening and thank you for your loyalty, as always. And I will see you in part two in our next episode.
Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure you follow so you never miss an episode. Also, I would so love and appreciate if you would leave a 5-star review. Your review supports women just like you in discovering all of the juicy tips and insights I’m sharing here on how to coach women on money.
And if you want to learn how to excel at coaching women on money, definitely go to KendallSummerHawk.com and check out the wealth of money coach trainings that we have for you. Thanks so much for being part of this money coaching movement and for tuning into the show every week.