Ep #54: 3 Strategies to Shift Out of Money Scarcity

Ep #54: 3 Strategies to Shift Out of Money Scarcity


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by feelings of scarcity, despite the pressure in the coaching world to always think positively? The truth is, experiencing scarcity is a normal part of the human experience, and trying to avoid it is not a sustainable strategy. So what can you do when this shadow side of money inevitably comes up?

Gaining the upper hand with feelings of scarcity is a vital part of changing your relationship with money. When you have the coaching tools to efficiently process those emotions, you free up tons of energy and bandwidth to focus on expanding your income and impact through your coaching business.

Tune in this week to learn three powerful strategies you can use on a daily basis to process and release feelings of scarcity. By understanding what scarcity really is and implementing these simple daily practices, you'll be able to quickly return to a place of inner fullness and empowerment, changing your dynamic with money forever.

Ready to change your dynamic with money so you can make more money in your coaching or consulting business? Enrolling in Secret Energy of Money® now >> Click here for details.

What You'll Discover:

  • Why feeling scarcity is a universal human experience, regardless of how much money you have.
  • How to identify the true root of scarcity and why it's not really about your external circumstances.
  • 3 simple yet transformative strategies to process scarcity in the moment and return to your power.
  • How to use gratitude in a unique way to amplify the feelings of trust, safety, and overflow.
  • Why your ability to release scarcity is key to making empowered decisions that move your coaching business forward.

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Hey coach, have you ever been hit with feeling scarcity, and you didn't know what to do to get out of that emotion? Feeling scarcity is unavoidable, and there's a lot of pressure in the coaching space to think positive, but the truth is feeling scarcity sucks. 

I'm Kendall. Tune in to today's episode where I have three strategies that you can use on a daily basis to diminish feelings of scarcity. Having this ability is really a vital part of changing your dynamic with money so that you can diminish feelings of scarcity, which results in you having more energy, more room, more creativity, more emotional bandwidth for expanding how much money you make, keep and have. It's all here for you in this episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. Let's dive in.

Welcome to The Money Coach School Podcast. To really excel at coaching women, you have to be skilled, confident, and even fearless at money coaching. If you're passionate about women holding genuine money power and love supporting women entrepreneurs, then this is the show for you. Now, here's your host, money feminist Kendall SummerHawk.

Hello, beautiful coach. I'm so glad you're here with me today. This morning I was reviewing the list of topics that I've brought to you over the past few weeks. Topics like overflow and million dollar mindsets and shifting your money cycle into one of prosperity and doubling your coaching launch income. I love all of those topics because I am a let's make more money kind of girl.

But I also realized that there is a shadow side to money that as a money feminist and leader of The Money Coach School, I need to talk with you about as well. I'm your person. I'm the one it's safe to talk with about all aspects of money. That includes the biggest shadow side, which is scarcity.

So that's what we're going to do in this episode. I have three strategies that you can use on a daily basis. They are so simple and very fast to use that will diminish feelings of scarcity for you. Having this ability that these strategies give you is actually a vital part of changing your dynamic with money. Just like all of the other strategies I teach inside of this podcast in my coach certification trainings and inside of the Secret Energy of Money Mastermind that focus on expansion with money. So that's what we're discussing here today.

I want to be sure that, you know, by the time you hear this episode, we will be just days away from closing enrollment for this round of Secret Energy of Money Mastermind. So Secret Energy of Money Mastermind is my signature mentoring program for coaches and consultants to step into the dramatically more profitable version of your business. This is how you can get me as your money coach for either six months or one year. It's your choice.

Now I've been saying it for quite some time, and I want to remind you again, I love making money from a place of pure integrity and deeply aligned values. I'd love to mentor you to normalize this reality for yourself and as quickly as possible.

So inside Secret Energy of Money Mastermind, I will teach you the perfect blend of practical money, how to’s, plus the soul deep money shifts that I've used to create nearly $30 million in my coaching business. So mentoring together, we are going to zap your stubbornest limiting money beliefs. We're going to align you with your next level wealth, and you're going to learn how to implement the overflow strategy in your business.

So if you're excited to do the inner money work that will support you in multiplying your revenue, definitely check out Secret Energy of Money Mastermind. I will also link to it in the show notes, or you can go directly to 

So let's dive into strategies that you can use on a daily basis to diminish feelings of scarcity. The result of this is you having more energy, more room, more creativity, more emotional bandwidth for expanding how much money that you make, keep, and have.

So first, what I've seen in the online coaching space is this pressure that it's not okay to feel scarcity. Now, while I understand that feeling scarcity may not be what you want to experience, the fact is you are likely to experience it. Avoidance isn't a strategy. Avoidance is a poorly designed coping mechanism. So today I want to give you tools so that you number one, understand what scarcity really is. Number two, give you a way of processing it quickly and cleanly, leaving you feeling fuller and richer from the inside out, feeling completely within your power and in your ability to call in money.

Feeling scarcity happens for all of us, and even more so for certain money archetypes. Yes, I'm speaking to you, accumulators and rulers, which I am. I'm a ruler, maverick, and accumulator. So believe me, I live in the world of scarcity frequently. That's how I can teach this to you. It happens less for other archetypes. Hello, connectors in romantics. I love that you're able to avoid it much, much more so than people with my archetypes are.

All right, the point is it happens, but you don't want it to take you out. What you want is to be able to process and release the feeling so that you're back into your power as efficiently as possible.

So let's start with understanding what scarcity really is. Feeling scarcity is not about having or not having money, or having or not having things, or having or not having an audience, or prestige, or power, or whatever. You can have all of those things and be struck with feeling scarcity.

I had this happen recently. I had completed a really big money goal, and my money goal was fully funding my retirement. I finished that goal about three years ago. I started from zero. I got the goal done in about 10 years. So I was pretty proud of myself. The moment when I made that last deposit into our retirement investments, I felt incredible.

Then time goes by. Not that long ago, I was struck with, oh my God, will it be enough? I mean, in that moment, I was convinced this is not going to be enough money when we go to retire. Now I have cash in the bank. I have a business that makes money. All I can see is how quickly that cash could be used up. So my scarcity brain kicks in and starts stressing about it right now.

Feeling scarcity is not about the money. It's not about the exact amount. I want you to write this next piece that I'm about to say. I want you to write it down. Feeling scarcity is fundamentally about not feeling safe. It's believing that we are at the whim of outside circumstances.

So for example, the economy is difficult, therefore I am not safe. Or I signed up a client last month, but this month I didn't, so therefore I'm not safe. If you do launches like I do, scarcity can kick in. We have a great launch like we've had with Secret Energy of Money. It's like oh, yay, we're celebrating. Oh my gosh, scarcity can kick in and say, oh, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it again and not feel safe.

So I know that those kinds of things, those situations can sound valid or legitimate, but they're not. Scarcity is not warranted in those situations, and yet it just pops up. When you're making more money, I can tell you with firsthand experience, you can have an amazing month of cash coming in, and you can still feel scarcity.

You'll think things like, will I be able to do it again? Or that was a fluke. Or I can't be that lucky again. But it's never ever about money. I felt scarcity about not ever finding the right horse again, or not having a house I love again as much as the one we have now, or even down to my clothes. That, oh my gosh, I'm never going to be able to find clothes that I love as much as the clothes I have now. It's crazy, right? I mean, this is kind of embarrassing to admit that this is, for me, where scarcity pops up, but there it is.

Feeling scarcity is not about what you have. It's not about outside circumstances. Feeling scarcity is about not feeling safe. This is such a huge insight for you because it means that you do not need circumstances to change in order to feel differently. However, when you feel differently, circumstances do change. So let me give you three simple strategies that you can use on a daily basis to process feeling scarcity quickly and cleanly so that you're feeling fuller and richer from the inside out, feeling completely within your power, and calling in money.

All right, strategy number one, choose how you want to feel. What is the feeling you want to experience instead of scarcity? I want you to get really specific in naming the feeling. A lot of the women I money coach inside of Secret Energy of Money, they'll say that the feeling they want is abundance. Okay, that's great. That may be, but what I want you to really open up to are other options and choose the feeling that is best for you.

So for example, for me, the opposite of scarcity are the feelings of trust, safety, and overflow. Because remember, scarcity isn't based on having. It's based on being, being safe, feeling safe. So, for me, feeling trust and safe creates feelings of overflow and fullness. I would add that word to the list as well.

So when I do this first strategy, my words I write down and come back to are trust, safety, overflow, and fullness. I want you to choose the words that work for you, but you're choosing specific feeling words, you know, like three or four of them that really define how you want to feel instead of feeling scarcity. All right, so that's strategy number one.

Strategy number two is we're going to build on this now. Strategy number two is applying gratitude to how you want to feel. So this is using gratitude a little differently than you might be used to. It's more than just making a list of what you have to feel grateful for. I mean, that's fine. You can do that, but this is applying feeling gratitude to those feelings that you chose so that you're amplifying those feelings. All right, do you get that? So let me demonstrate this for you.

My words were trust, safety, overflow, and fullness. That's what I want to feel instead of scarcity. So I start with trust, and I think of what I'm so grateful for trusting. I list out things like trusting my intuition, trusting that circumstances can change on a dime, trusting that the thing I was feeling scarcity about actually already exists, and it exists in abundance. It's already out there in the world. 

Like the horse I wanted when I was horse shopping. I would tell myself that someone is feeding, training, and taking amazing care of my new horse. I would feel so much gratitude for that person who was doing that, even though I didn't know who they were. I hadn't met them yet. I hadn't met the horse yet.

Or clients. I feel so much gratitude for the women who are out in the world, who are drawn to money coaching with me as a way of changing their dynamic with money or feeling gratitude for the women who want to become certified in one of our amazing coach certification trainings.

You can apply this as well to money. I can trust that money will come in because that is possible. The amount of money you want to have coming in is entirely possible. It's already being done by other women. That money exists. It doesn't have to be printed or minted. It's already out there in the world circulating and working its way towards you.

So what you're doing with this strategy is you're creating a detailed and very specific gratitude list for each of your words about what already is. So in my example, I would do this for the words trust, obviously, for the word safety, the words overflow, and the word fullness as well. If you do this every day, you are going to feel so full, so rich. It's going to be amazing.

So to recap on this strategy, remember it's finding detailed specific things to feel gratitude for regarding each of those feeling words that you chose. Pretty cool, right?

All right, strategy number three, list all of the ways that you are safe. Now this is deeply personal for you, for me, for each of us. So for me, I can feel scarcity about being able to feed my horses. I know that sounds totally crazy, but I'm just being really transparent with you. But when I use these strategies and come to the thoughts I want to think about safety, specifically regarding my horses, I remind myself I've always been able to buy hay and supplements, that the money I make is ample for that purpose.

So a lot of listing all the ways that you are safe is reminding yourself of your resourcefulness and realizing that you are really pretty incredibly capable. So for me in this process, I realized that the biggest reassurance I give myself is that I am capable. I can figure things out. I am an amazing problem solver. I'm amazing at finding resources. I trust that. That makes me feel safe because there are always options that I trust I'll see when needed. I may not see them now, but I trust that I will see them and that they will be there for me when I need them.

All right, so to wrap up here. Strategy number one, choose how you want to feel instead. This is listing three to four words that are how you want to feel instead of feeling scarcity. Strategy number two, apply gratitude to how you want to feel. So this is finding detailed specific things to feel grateful for, to feel gratitude for regarding each of your feeling words.

Strategy number three is list all of the ways you are safe. This is all about calming down our nervous system so that you can release scarcity in that moment. You create feelings of being safe. From that place, you make decisions that are expansive and empowered.

You're training your brain to be the woman who can handle scarcity like a total badass, using these three simple strategies to come back to your power so that you're making decisions that move you forward. Some of my very best decisions came from initially feeling scarcity and then using these same strategies to process it, release it, and step into my power.

I made those decisions with confidence, and I made them with conviction, not running from something, but running towards what I wanted. I feel unstoppable every time because scarcity robs us of strength, and it robs us of belief in what's possible for ourselves. Whereas releasing scarcity unleashes our power and conviction that life is actually amazing. Circumstances can shift in an instant. Yes, miracles actually do happen. You know what? They happen for you starting now.

All right, that's what I have for you today. Remember that we're just a few days from closing enrollment in Secret Energy of Money Mastermind, which is how you get me as your money coach. Together with the coaching we'll do and all the coaching exercises and the things we're going to work on, the results are you making more money, you creating a new dynamic with money, and you knowing how to handle your money like a queen, which you are. So check it out at

Thank you for listening. Thank you for your loyalty. I appreciate you for being on your coaching journey and on your money reinvention journey with me. So I would love it if you would screenshot this episode, share it on social, on Instagram. You can tag me at Kendall SummerHawk. I would so appreciate it if you would do that. All right, my beautiful soul. I will see you here again next week with our next episode. 

Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure you follow so you never miss an episode. Also, I would so love and appreciate if you would leave a 5-star review. Your review supports women just like you in discovering all of the juicy tips and insights I’m sharing here on how to coach women on money.

And if you want to learn how to excel at coaching women on money, definitely go to and check out the wealth of money coach trainings that we have for you. Thanks so much for being part of this money coaching movement and for tuning into the show every week.