You think about money. You talk about money. You worry about money. But if you're completely honest with yourself, are you intentionally prioritizing money as a key value in your coaching business?
Society teaches us that naming money as a key value ‘isn’t done. I’m here to dispel that myth and get clear on the significance of your values so that earning, saving, and keeping more money gets easier for you. If you want to start creating money in your coaching business at a faster rate, this episode can help you fix that in less than 20 minutes!
Tune in this week as I walk you through a simple, powerful coaching exercise to help you intentionally prioritize money in your coaching business from a place of unstoppable authenticity. You'll learn how to support yourself in creating a lasting shift in your money mindset, so you can take more powerful, aligned, value-driven action toward your exciting money goals.
Ready to take your relationship with money to next level status so that you’re making, saving and having more money? Secret Energy of Money® Mastermind enrollment is opening soon! Click here to get on the early notice list.
What You'll Discover:
- Why intentional money prioritization creates a profound shift in how you feel about money.
- How your values determine every action you take and every result you experience in your coaching business.
- The difference between wanting, wishing for, and worrying about money, versus prioritizing money as a value.
- A simple but powerfully transformative exercise to support you in intentionally prioritizing money as a value.
- 5 self-coaching questions to ask yourself as you become clearer on the significance of your values.
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- Join Sacred Money Archetypes® Certified Coach Training to get this done-for-you, and brand as your own, money coaching system
- Take the Free Sacred Money Archetypes® Quiz
- Download my Free Pricing Guide for Coaches
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- What question would you love for me to answer on the podcast about money, pricing, or coaching? Email me here!
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Hey coach. Yes, you think about money, you talk about money, you worry about money, but if you're completely honest, where are you intentionally prioritizing money as a key value in your coaching business? I'm Kendall, tune in to today's episode where I'm going to discuss why if money isn't showing up for you as a key value then it makes sense that earning, saving, and keeping more may not be happening at the speed or at the rate that you desire.
Inside this episode, I'm walking you through a simple, powerful coaching exercise you can do in about 10/15 minutes that will help you intentionally prioritize money without it feeling inauthentic. It's all here for you in this episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. Let's dive in.
Welcome to The Money Coach School Podcast. To really excel at coaching women, you have to be skilled, confident, and even fearless at money coaching. If you're passionate about women holding genuine money power and love supporting women entrepreneurs, then this is the show for you. Now, here's your host, money feminist Kendall SummerHawk.
Hello, beautiful coach. So, typically in August, it's always been a winding down month for me. It is freakishly hot here in Arizona where I live. By now, I'm just over it. But this year is different. At the time of recording this in early August, I am feeling the opposite of how I normally do. It's like the heat has me fired up to create, to expand, to open the doors for more.
It's not just more students in our trainings, which of course is always fantastic. It's more in other ways, more sleep, more naps. I had a two hour nap today, more time outside, more riding lessons, more groundwork lessons with my horses, more planning, more creating, more implementing. It's a season of more. So this is turning it into a season of abundance on so many levels.
What I'm especially loving about it is I'm not burned out. I'm energized. I'm not overwhelmed. I'm intentional. I'm not rushed. I'm clear. I'm not focused on perfection, which is huge for me. I'm focused on completion and being okay with a little messiness in our projects, which brings me to an announcement before we dive into a favorite topic of mine, which is prioritizing money as a value.
So first we're going to be opening up enrollment for the next round of Secret Energy of Money Mastermind very, very soon. So if you're not on the wait list, I encourage you to go to secretenergyofmoney.com and get on the wait list there. We'll also put a link for you here in the show notes.
Secret Energy of Money is my mastermind where you and I get to be coaching together in close proximity on you and money in the ways that actually shift something inside of you. So the promise of Secret Energy of Money is eliminating the invisible barrier between you, inner worth, and greater income in your business. What we do inside of Secret Energy is the money work that frees you to earn more, save more, and have more money.
Now, this mastermind with me is an exceptional integration of practical money tools that I am famous for designing, plus the inner money work that results in you eliminating that inner fight that you may be having with money, that conflict, and instead giving you very specific coaching and exercises that result in you making more money, result in you feeling in relationship with money, and knowing how to handle your money like the badass businesswoman that you are.
I'm really proud to say this is our fourth round, this will be our fourth round, and I've had over 80% renewals from each round, which I think speaks louder than anything I could ever say about it myself. Repeat clients are the best endorsement there is, and I am so very honored to keep having clients renew and renew for additional rounds.
They do that because of the quality of the experience they have coaching with me, the quality of the coaching they receive with me and from my coaching team, and the impact of the results that they receive from coaching with me on money. So go get on the wait list right now, and you'll be the first to hear when we open enrollment.
Now, one thing, and this is part of being okay with not being perfect and having a little messiness, right now our webpage, when you look at it, it may say it's a 90-day mastermind, but we're actually making it for six months. So we haven't changed the website yet. We will. But right now you can get on the wait list.
All right, so let's coach today on money values. I adore values work and have so many exercises that are simple but create a profound shift for you in your relationship with money and that you can use with your coaching clients if you're part of one of my certifications as well.
So I am famous for the effectiveness of the coaching exercises that I create, and this one is definitely one of my favorites because it is so simple while supporting you and creating a lasting shift in your mindset about money, in the actions that you then choose to take, and of course in the result that those actions produce.
I want to invite you to listen to this episode, not just as a follower, which is awesome, but as a student, so that you're not only receiving the information, but you're also experiencing a transformation. All right, with that said, let's dive in.
So values are what you hold as important, and values define your character. To me they are the secret soul of any and all actions that you take. So what you value determines the actions you take, which of course creates the results that you experience.
Now, one thing about values work that I find so inspiring is that they are not fixed, meaning they're not permanent like your height or your eye color. You can change your values. When it comes to money, I highly recommend that you take a very close look at what you are valuing, and that you make a conscious choice to shift that if you want to earn, save, and keep more money.
Today I want to give you a coaching exercise that I thought would be fun, and, of course, I think any coaching exercise on money and values is fun, and support you in intentionally prioritizing money as a value because most of the time most people don't prioritize it. Yes, they may think about it, complain about it, resent it, worry about it, wish for more of it, whatever, but that is not the same thing as prioritizing money as a value. You're going to see what I mean as I coach you through this exercise. So let me lay this out for you.
Now this exercise is four steps that come together in a brilliantly simple and powerful way for you, and the whole exercise takes about 10, maybe 15 minutes to go through entirely. All right, so it's in four steps.
So step number one, I want you to pull out a piece of paper or your tablet and draw a line down the middle of the page so that you have two columns. Then go ahead and label the left column personal. Now we'll get to the right side column in just a moment.
For now, under that column titled personal, I want you to list all of the values that are most important to you in your personal life, and I recommend making them single words, maybe two words at the most, but each one being a single word is really ideal. You can have as many as you want. If you have eight, 10, 12, 15, that's great. More is fine.
So you can spark your list by thinking of what you value in your closest relationships or what you value and how you want to be treated or what you hold as important. For example, is it family or is it love? Is it family or is it connection or loyalty? So for me, in my values, and I've been vocal about this for a long time, my values are honor and integrity and respect and dignity. That's what my list starts with and then goes on from there.
Now, when you're creating your values list, this is not necessarily listing the things you do, but instead you're listing what you value about the things you do. So for example, I absolutely live, I breathe air on this planet in order for me to spend time with my horses. What I list as my values when I think about why that time is so important to me are things like freedom, connection, achievement, mastery. So I don't write on my values spending time with my horses. I write freedom, connection, achievement, and mastery.
Another example is to think about when you feel really good about yourself, what is it that you're doing and turn that into a value. So for example, in my case, I love being creative. So the value is creating. Another way to keep brainstorming values that are meaningful for you is to connect with who you love being. So for example, I love being kind. So kindness is a value that I list. All right. So lots of prompts there to get you going. Like I said, 8, 10, 12, 15, something like that is great.
Step number two, on the right side, I want you to label that column business. Now this is where we're going to list what you value about your coaching business or what you value about the potential of your coaching business. I want you to let yourself dream about your coaching business. From that dreamy place, what do you value?
For example, early in my business, I valued being at the top. Now I realize it's four words, but my exercise wasn't perfect then. Being at the top. Now that might sound like a goal, but for me, it was a value. It may even sound egotistical, but it was not coming from that place. It came from a place where I defined being at the top as having an impeccable reputation, creating quality, quality coaching, quality training, quality experiences for people, and as being well-known. I achieved all of that because I was valuing it.
So in this list, again, I like to have single words. I realize my example is our double words, two and three words. I get that. Again, I'm embracing imperfection, but you get the idea here. As close to single words as possible. again, you can have as many values as you want. 8, 10, 12, 15. It's great. More is fine. So you don't need to edit yourself.
Now we have our two lists. We go on to step number three, and here's where it gets really fascinating. I want you to look at that whole list on the left, which was for you personally, and notice if money is there in any way. Is it on your list at all? I'm not talking about euphemisms like abundance or wealth. I'm looking for the word money, pure and simple.
Now don't worry if it's not there. I just want you to notice if it is. If so, where in the list is it? Is it the top and the middle? Is it at the end ? Or notice if it's not there at all? If it is there, how is that reflected in your priority and relationship with money in your personal life? If it's not there, how is that reflected in your relationship with money?
Now look at the list on the right for your business. Again, notice if money is in there or if it's not. Again, don't worry if it's not there. We're just noticing. You created your two lists from an authentic place. You weren't self-editing or self-censoring, and that's awesome. We're just noticing where money is, and then we're going to do something about it in just a moment.
So again, the same questions. If money is there on that right side under business, how is that reflected in your priority and relationship with money as it relates to your business? If it's not there, how is that reflected? All right.
So I want to be completely transparent with you here. When I first created this exercise, I noticed that money was in my personal list, which was great. It was pretty close to the top. Awesome. But weirdly, it was nowhere in my business list. When I saw that, I went that's really strange. That was reflected in that I was great at managing money personally, paying bills on time, balancing my bank account every month, looking at ways to save money, but I was not bringing enough in.
But it makes sense, right? It wasn't being prioritized in my business. Even though if you had asked me, do you think money is a priority in your coaching business? Yes. I would have given you the correct answer, air quotes around the word correct, of yes, but it really wasn't. Otherwise it would have shown up in that values list. Trust me, not prioritizing money as a value in my business, it was causing an enormous amount of stress.
This brings us to step number four. So step number three was just noticing where it is or where it isn't. All right. Step number four. What I did back then is what I'm going to ask you to do right now. I want you to write the word money in the top one or two spots like first or second on the right column, right-hand side column, for your business. I'm coaching you to write it there so it's above all of the other values, or at most only has one other value above it.
Then I want you to notice, how does that feel? What feels uncomfortable? What self-talk does that start? What are you telling yourself? What starts to come up for you is showing you the beliefs that you already hold about you and money. You want to write those down as you're thinking them so that you can start to amplify the ones that are positive and work for you or change the ones that don't.
When I did this, my whole business changed. I put money at the top of the list and that became a catalyst. By the way, it felt weird at first. It felt strange. It didn't feel natural. It was kind of like putting on a piece of clothing that isn't your normal style. That's okay. Don't let that dissuade you. Keep the word money in the first or second spot up there at the top.
So when I did that, it was actually a catalyst for me to step into high-ticket coaching. I launched more. I focused on volume. I did not let excuses stand in my way. As a result, I made my first million dollars in annual revenue from my coaching business. But more importantly, I became stronger. I grew my confidence. I got more focused. I got more strategic about launches.
So what I want to do next is give you five self-coaching questions that you can ask yourself. All right, so question number one. This is on the heels of you putting the word money in that first or second spot on your values list, right-hand side column under the word business.
All right, self-coaching question number one. Who am I as someone who values money so highly? The answer to this question always starts with I am. So for example, who am I as someone who values money so highly? I am a smart businesswoman, or I am a smart woman who is blazing a new trail for myself. So you can have more than one I am statement. You can have some that represent an absolute. You can have some that represent a process or that this is a journey.
Question number two. What is a change I can make in my pricing by now valuing money so highly? Question number three. What clearly needs to change in my business by valuing money so highly? In other words, what do I need to let go of, and what do I need to embrace?
Question number four. What changes in my physical workspace do I need to make by valuing money so highly? I am such a big fan of this. It doesn't have to be fancy. It doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to be big, but it sure as heck needs to be representing who you are as that woman who values money so highly.
Question number five. What conversations do I no longer engage in by valuing money so highly? A lot of people keep money separate from their core values, or they want to create something like abundance with money but abundance isn't even in their list of values. So the idea of abundance sounds good, but it's never going to happen.
Like I said, I like to use the word money, plain and simple, because it is a powerful word. It can also be a very triggering word, and that's okay. That's why this exercise is so powerful for being a catalyst for you making a real shift in your relationship with money.
Now, this exercise is so cleverly simple because it starts to really clean out the gunk between you and your relationship with money. You want that relationship to be upleveled, to be positive, supportive, loving, respectful, all the good things. The thoughts and feelings you have about money are already there. I love this exercise because it brings those thoughts and feelings to light so that you can create that strong, healthy relationship with money and thrive.
All right, I hope you loved today's episode. If you found this episode valuable, then if you can share this episode with a colleague or a friend and tag me on Instagram, it's @KendallSummerHawk. That would be amazing. I want to say thank you so much for that.
If you would take a moment to leave me a five-star review, I would love it. I know Apple does not make it super easy, but the extra few seconds it takes really makes a difference in getting this podcast out to more women in coaching like you who want to make an impact and make money.
All right, thank you for listening. Thank you for your loyalty. Drop me an email, podcast@kendallsummerhawk.com. Ask me any question you want about money, about coaching, mastering your coaching, pricing, all the good things, right? I am here for you. All right, I will see you in next week's episode.
Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of The Money Coach School Podcast. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure you follow so you never miss an episode. Also, I would so love and appreciate if you would leave a 5-star review. Your review supports women just like you in discovering all of the juicy tips and insights I’m sharing here on how to coach women on money.
And if you want to learn how to excel at coaching women on money, definitely go to KendallSummerHawk.com and check out the wealth of money coach trainings that we have for you. Thanks so much for being part of this money coaching movement and for tuning into the show every week.